Samajwadi party national president akhilesh yadav on Saturday, reacting to the award of Bharat Ratna to former Deputy prime minister Lal krishna Advani, said that bjp gave this honor to save its vote bank from getting scattered. akhilesh yadav, who came to Balrampur district to pay tribute to the late mla and former minister SP Yadav, said on the question of Bharat Ratna being given to BJP's founding member Advani, "BJP gave this honor to save the vote bank from disintegrating."

prime minister Narendra Modi announced the award of Bharat Ratna to former Deputy prime minister Lal krishna Advani and described it as "a very emotional moment" for him. The SP chief told reporters, "This Bharat Ratna is being given to bind the votes." This is not being given in respect. This honor (receiving Bharat Ratna) is good, but it is being given to bind our votes.

Information has also been given

Regarding seat sharing in the opposition 'India' alliance, he said, "Discussions have been held at the level where seat sharing should be done and information has also been given to them." Yadav said, "Regarding seat sharing. Almost a consensus has been reached. There will be distribution of seats according to the victory and seats. He said, “He has already talked to the congress high command, there is no dilemma regarding the distribution of seats.”

Regarding joining the 'Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra' of rahul gandhi led congress, the SP chief said that he has not received the invitation yet, it has happened many times when he has been called after the program is over. On nitish kumar joining NDA, the former chief minister said that who knows what magic the bjp did that he joined the NDA. He said, “The issue of caste census will not end but the Samajwadi party will take it forward because baba Saheb Ambedkar wanted that people should be respected according to their population.”

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