As per report this bungalow is considered to be the highest category bungalow in Lutyens' Delhi. In terms of area, the PM is bigger than the house. Its total area is 15,181 square meters. According to the Ministry of Urban and Housing, Type-8 bungalow has 8 rooms (5 bedrooms, 1 hall, 1 large dining room and a study room). Because of having 8 rooms, it is also called Type-8 bungalow.
Meanwhile apart from eight rooms, there is also a meeting hall and a servant quarter. There is also a garden inside 10 Janpath, in which many fruit trees have been planted. Recently, rahul gandhi had shown some views from here on his YouTube channel.
Now also know this story related to 10 Janpath…
1. It was considered a bad omen in the period of 1970-80 - This bungalow was considered a bad omen in the political corridors of Lutyens' delhi during the period of 1970 and 1980. It was said that whoever came to this bungalow, his political career ended untimely.
Examples were given in the form of lal bahadur shastri and Sanjay Gandhi. Keeping this in view, this bungalow was allotted to junior minister kk Tiwari in 1988, but in 1989, rajiv gandhi demanded this bungalow for himself from the Public Works Department.
Rajiv was the leader of opposition in the lok sabha at that time. It is also said that the officials had advised Rajiv not to take this bungalow. However, Rajiv did not listen to the officials.
2. After Babri, PM Rao got the bungalow spied on - In 1992, PM Rao got the bungalow spied on. After the death of rajiv gandhi in 1991, PV narasimha Rao became the prime minister from the congress side. This year this bungalow was allotted in the name of sonia Gandhi. However, after just a year, Rao started spying on this bungalow. Vinay Sitapati, who has written the book 'Half Lion' on PV narasimha Rao, writes - After the Babri demolition, narasimha Rao held a meeting with senior officials of the Intelligence Bureau.