As per report bjp leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga has given a big statement on kamal nath joining BJP. He has written on social media platform X that calls are coming from many friends and they are asking about Kamal Nath. I have told him on the phone and I am saying here also that the doors of bjp were neither open nor are they for kamal nath, the murderer of Sikhs and the one who burnt the Gurudwara Rakabganj Sahib of Hind Di Chadar Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Meanwhile Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga further wrote - "I assure you all that this will never be possible in the presence of prime minister Narendra Modi." Let us tell you that there is speculation in the political circles that senior congress leaders kamal nath and His mp son nakul Nath may soon join bjp along with his supporters.
Moreover Kamal Nath's son nakul Nath is currently a congress mp from Chhindwara. According to sources, there is speculation that his son nakul Nath or his daughter-in-law may be made BJP's candidate in the lok sabha elections. bjp leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga has clearly said that BJP's doors were neither open nor open for Kamal Nath.
On the other hand, madhya pradesh congress President Jitu Patwari has also termed the news of kamal nath and his mp son nakul Nath joining bjp as a rumour. He said that kamal nath has supported the party in good and bad times in his political journey of about 45 years. Former PM indira gandhi also considered kamal nath as her third son. Jitu Patwari claimed that the speculations regarding kamal nath are completely baseless. At the same time, former chief minister of madhya pradesh Digvijay Singh also raised questions on the media regarding such news and called it completely baseless.