Sources stated that before the lok sabha elections 2023, Samajwadi party chief akhilesh yadav is facing setbacks after setbacks. Ever since SP has announced the names of its rajya sabha election candidates, many party leaders are angry with them. Recently, Apna Dal Kemravadi leader and SP mla Pallavi patel has also been seen distancing herself from Akhilesh. Along with this, SP leader Swami prasad Maurya has also resigned from his post and indicated that he is angry with Akhilesh. The anger of both of them is regarding PDA which Akhilesh keeps mentioning.

Currently it remains to be seen what is the future plan of SP leaders Swami prasad Maurya and Pallavi Patel? It is believed that he is angry with Akhilesh because he has selected wrong candidates for Rajya Sabha. Not only this, Swami prasad Maurya was earlier supposed to participate in rahul Gandhi's visit but now he has not participated. Pallavi patel was also supposed to join rahul Gandhi's visit to Prayagraj after varanasi but she too was not seen.

These days, former congress President rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Nyaya yatra is in Uttar Pradesh. This yatra will remain in Uttar Pradesh from 16 to 21 February. Rahul's journey entered Uttar Pradesh from varanasi on 16 February. During this time people gave a warm welcome to rahul Gandhi. So in Uttar Pradesh, rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Nyay yatra has suffered a big setback. SP leader Swami prasad Maurya will not attend the Nyaya yatra on sunday (18 February). SP leader Swami prasad Maurya was to participate in the Nyaya yatra in Prayagraj, but just before joining the program, Swami prasad Maurya distanced himself from Rahul's yatra.

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