Reportedly amid speculations about former madhya pradesh cm kamal nath joining BJP, congress MP rajeev Shukla was seen avoiding saying anything on this. However, when Rajiv Shukla was asked about the current developments, he simply told the journalists that "We have heard that there is nothing like this." Whereas, regarding the news related to Nakulnath, Rajiv Shukla said that he was aware of it. Not there.

Earlier kamal nath had reached delhi on 17 february due to which it was believed that an official announcement could be made at any time but nothing like this happened. kamal nath is neither denying nor affirming in front of the media about joining BJP. Due to which suspense is created. He remained silent on sunday saying that he had not talked to anyone and he was going to someone's wedding. On the other hand, the statements of his close aide and former cm Digvijay Singh are also coming and he said that pressure will be put on kamal nath from the central agencies but he is not the person to come under anyone's pressure.

Moreover on the other hand, the State President of madhya pradesh congress has also denied this and in the press conference, calling him the third son of Indira Gandhi, Jitu Patwari said that the thought of him leaving the congress cannot even be dreamed of. However, it is believed that kamal nath is not happy with the working style of congress and the party. He had spoken to sonia gandhi and rahul gandhi a few days ago. At the same time, if Digvijay Singh is to be believed, the central leadership is in touch with him. Those MLAs and former ministers who are considered his supporters are also waiting for Kamal Nath's decision. It is believed that if kamal nath turns to BJP, he may also leave Congress.

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