The political temperature in madhya pradesh is high amid speculations about kamal nath leaving congress and joining BJP. On one hand, the tension in congress has increased and on the other hand, there is a strong stir in bjp too. Meanwhile, chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has reached the house of former cm Shivraj Singh Chauhan to meet him. At the same time, when cm Mohan Yadav was asked about kamal nath joining bjp, he did not answer it, only maintained silence.
Ignoring the questions raised on kamal nath, chief minister Mohan Yadav simply said that work is being done to take forward the vision of prime minister Narendra Modi. While talking about the national convention held in Delhi, he said that PM Modi's vision is amazing. bharatiya janata party is taking development work forward. cm has claimed that bjp government will be formed once again.
kamal nath put an end to speculations
On Monday, february 19, former chief minister of madhya pradesh and senior congress leader kamal nath put an end to the speculations about joining BJP. He said that he is not going to join BJP. Before this, kamal nath held a meeting with his close leaders and then Sajjan Singh Verma said that kamal nath is not going to leave congress and go anywhere. The very idea of joining bjp is imaginary. Denying the news of joining bjp, kamal nath told the media, 'You people are getting very excited. I am not saying this, you people are saying this. If any such thing happens, I will inform you first.