PCC Chief Jitu Patwari has shared a video on his social media account. In this video, a young man is beating some minor children by tying them with a rope. Jeetu Patwari seems to be in trouble when it comes to sharing videos. There was a stir in the administrative circles of madhya pradesh after PCC Chief Jitu Patwari posted this viral video on Facebook. When the viral video was reported from jabalpur, the district and police administration hastily investigated and issued their clarification. SP Aditya Pratap Singh says that the viral video has some connection with Jabalpur.
In fact, Neha Shinde, state president of maharashtra women's cell of Bhim Army, posted a video on X and said that innocent children were beaten mercilessly in jabalpur for filling water from the well. This video was going viral on social media for three-four days. Meanwhile, madhya pradesh congress Committee President Jitu Patwari also first retweeted the viral video and later removed it. There was a stir after PCC Chief Jitu Patwari posted a video on X. One after the other, many bjp leaders started laying siege to PCC Chief Jitu Patwari.
bjp leaders surrounded Jitu Patwari
From state media in-charge ashish Aggarwal to narendra Saluja tweeted and accused Jitu Patwari of misleading. bjp mla from jabalpur Cantt seat ashok Rohani says that Jitu Patwari has already posted such false news on social media. This has become his habit. Meanwhile, jabalpur Collector deepak Saxena has said that the alleged video of children being beaten has no connection with jabalpur district. He said that the alleged video of beating of children posted on X by State congress Committee President Jitu Patwari is not from jabalpur district. Superintendent of police Aditya Pratap Singh said that the alleged video has been investigated. This is not from jabalpur district.