Amidst the ongoing political turmoil between AAP and congress in Bharuch seat of Gujarat, mumtaz Patel, daughter of late congress leader ahmed patel, has made a social media post. In this post he has mentioned hashtag Bharuch and daughter of hashtag Bharuch. AAP has already declared Chaitra Vasava, who is also a party MLA, as its candidate for the Bharuch seat. Meanwhile, mumtaz Patel is claiming this seat from Congress. Meanwhile, mumtaz Patel shared a quote on social media post and said, "My father has taught me that win or lose but fight till the end and do not give up."

Know Bharuch Seat

Late congress leader ahmed patel had been mp from Bharuch seat. ahmed patel won in 1977 and 1984, while in 1989 this seat went to BJP. bjp has been winning Bharuch seat for 34 years. local congress leaders want mumtaz Patel to take his father's legacy forward on this seat. On wednesday (February 22), the district committee had also written a letter to congress President mallikarjun Kharge regarding this and had raised objection to the announcement of AAP's candidate.

How strong is congress in Gujarat?

In the last lok sabha elections, congress could not open its account in Gujarat. There are 26 lok sabha seats here. bjp had won all the seats here in 2014 and 2019. Whereas in the 2017 assembly elections, congress had won on 77 seats, but this graph fell from 77 to 17 in the last assembly elections i.e. 2022. Whereas aam aadmi party opened its account in the last assembly elections and five of its candidates reached the assembly as MLAs.

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