delhi chief minister arvind kejriwal has once again strongly attacked BJP. He accused him of creating obstacles in the construction of schools and hospitals in Delhi. arvind kejriwal said that they (BJP) tried to stop the construction of schools and hospitals in Delhi. They do not want the poor to get education like their children.
delhi chief minister arvind kejriwal took a jibe at the bjp and said, "Only I know how I am and how I am running the government in delhi, I should get the Nobel prize for this." By becoming the son of the people, I am busy solving their problems."
'I should get a Nobel prize for this'
arvind kejriwal claimed that he will build such schools in delhi which the whole world will remember. Accusing bjp, he said that they tried to stop the construction of schools in Delhi. There are so many bad people. They created obstacles in the construction of hospitals in Delhi. There are many things I cannot tell you. My heart knows how I am running the government and for this I should get the Nobel Prize.
Arvind Kejriwal's attack on bjp and LG
Chief minister arvind kejriwal alleged that the people of bjp and the Lieutenant governor (LG) of delhi have made the people here very sad. By becoming the son of delhi, I solved all the problems of the people here and for this I should get the Nobel Prize. However, while addressing the people, he also said - "You guys are my Nobel Prize." When I was roaming in the streets of Govindpuri yesterday, people everywhere were saying the same thing that trust is on you only. Only you can fix everything. I also said that this trust has to be maintained.