Recently the yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has canceled the Uttar Pradesh police Recruitment Examination held on 17 and 18 february in UP. At the same time, the UP government has ordered to conduct this recruitment examination again within six months. However, opposition leaders are cornering the yogi government regarding the paper leak issue of UP police recruitment, asking when will the papers be leaked. At the same time, if you look at the cases of paper leak of recruitments done in UP, then its figures will also surprise you.
Meanwhile UP police Constable Recruitment examination was held in UP on 17-18 february 2024 which was canceled by the government. Whereas on february 11, 2024, an examination was held for the recruitment of 334 posts of RO-ARO in UP, the internal investigation of which is going on. There is a suspicion of paper leak in the intermediate examination in UP Board Exam 2022. Apart from this, UPTET exam was held in november 2021 which was also cancelled. Six accused were arrested in the UP constable recruitment examination held in october 2018. Not only this, the UPPCL recruitment examination held in february 2018 was also cancelled. Along with this, the UP Sub Inspector recruitment exam held in July 2017 was also cancelled.
Let us tell you that for more than 60 thousand posts of constables of UP police, examination was conducted in all 75 districts of the state on 17th and 18th february in which about 48 lakh candidates had appeared. During this examination, about 244 solvers and many people of the gang who were trying to crack the examination were caught. FIRs were also lodged in this matter at many places. In this case, the government has decided to get the matter investigated by the Special Task Force (STF) of Uttar Pradesh Police. Instructions have also been given to take strictest action against persons or institutions found guilty.