A Bahujan Samaj party (BSP) leader was shot dead in Chhatarpur, madhya pradesh on monday night. police gave this information. Superintendent of police amit Sanghi said that Mahendra Gupta was shot in the head on Sagar Road. The Superintendent of police said, 'Gupta died on the spot and the accused absconded.' Gupta, a resident of Isha nagar town, had contested the 2023 assembly elections on a BSP ticket from Bijawar seat and stood third.
Gupta's personal security guard Abdul Mansoori said he was shot by a man riding a motorcycle. Mansoori said that by the time he could retaliate, the attacker had fled. He told that he had seen the attacker and could identify him. BSP leaders had come to Chhatarpur to attend a wedding ceremony.
Akash anand posted
BSP leader Akash anand has reacted after this incident. anand wrote on social media site I express my condolences to his family. The situation of law and order in madhya pradesh is getting worse day by day. Appropriate compensation should be given to Mahendra ji's family and strict action should be taken against the criminals. This is an attack on the BSP family. It won't be tolerated.
In this case, DIG amit Sanghi had informed that a person was shot dead on Sagar Road under Civil Lines police station. The body has been identified as Mahendra Gupta, a resident of Ishanagar. There was also a guard with him. The body has been sent to the district hospital for post-mortem. A case has been registered under section 302. Also, a special team has been formed for investigation with ASP in charge. The police is trying to catch the accused as soon as possible.