Reportedly ahead of the lok sabha elections, prime minister Narendra Modi reached bihar on wednesday for the second time in less than a week. Today he unveiled projects worth Rs 12,800 crore in West Champaran district headquarters Bettiah. During this, without taking names, he fiercely targeted Lalu family. He said that in the decades after independence, the biggest problem facing bihar was the migration of youth. This migration increased further when 'Jungle-Raj' came in Bihar. The family running 'Jungle Raj' was only concerned about their family. The youth had to go to other states for employment and here only one family continued to flourish. Land was taken over in exchange for every job. Can they ever be forgiven?

Does he abuse Modi? The biggest issue of the 'India' alliance full of corrupt people is that Modi does not have a family. These people say that should the dynastic leaders of the 'India' alliance get a license to loot?

Moreover PM Modi said that the family responsible for Jungle raj snatched away the fortunes of lakhs of youth of Bihar. It is the nda government which has brought bihar so far by saving it from this jungle raj. The effort of the double engine government of nda is to ensure that the youth of bihar get jobs in bihar only. On this day, projects worth thousands of crores of rupees have been inaugurated and foundation stones laid. This feeling is at its core also. After all, who are the biggest beneficiaries of these projects? The biggest benefit of this will be to those youth who currently want employment and are studying in schools and colleges.

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