After becoming a minister in the Uttar Pradesh government, Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj party chief Om Prakash Rajbhar is in the news these days. Recently he reached his native village Rasra where he along with his sons offered flowers at the feet of his parents. Om Prakash Rajbhar reached his native village Rasra after taking oath as a minister in the UP government, during which his two sons Arvind Rajbhar and Arun Rajbhar were also present. Rajbhar along with his sons offered flowers at the feet of the parents.
Flowers offered at the feet of parents
Om Prakash Rajbhar was seen sitting on the ground near the feet of his parents. During this, his son along with his grandparents were also seen offering flowers at the feet of Om Prakash Rajbhar. Rajbhar has made his elder son Arvind Rajbhar a candidate for the Ghosi seat in the nda alliance. This seat is considered to be the stronghold of Mukhtar Ansari. In the last election, Atul Rai of BSP had won from here. Om Prakash Rajbhar is looking very excited since becoming a minister in the UP government. Recently, while talking to his workers, he had described himself as the most powerful after cm Yogi and also called himself the Gabbar of the film Sholay.
Om Prakash Rajbhar told his workers that if there is any problem anywhere in UP, then go straight to the police station wearing a yellow scarf, the inspector will see Om Prakash Rajbhar in your face. Go and tell them that the minister has sent it. Rajbhar said that the Inspector, DM, SP do not have the courage to call us and ask whether we have sent it or not. Now we are the most powerful after cm Yogi. If you have seen Gabbar from the film Sholay, then consider me also Gabbar.