As per report a seven-day shiva Mahapuran Katha is being organized at Kubereshwar Dham located in Sehore. Pandit pradeep Mishra is reading the story. On the occasion of Shivratri, lakhs of devotees arrived on saturday (8 March), while former cm Shivraj Singh Chauhan also reached Kubereshwar Dham and listened to the story. Today bhopal Divisional Commissioner took stock of the arrangements at Kubereshwar Dham. Let us tell you, Shivpuran Katha is to be organized from 7th to 13th march at Kubereshwar Dham located at Sehore district headquarters. Devotees from all over the country have gathered to participate in the event. For the event, five domes have been built here in four lakh square feet. The situation is such that due to the large number of devotees coming, there is less space in the Dome. The administration is also very alert regarding the story and traffic has been diverted around the story site on Indore-Bhopal highway.

Perhaps on the occasion of Mahashivratri, former chief minister of the state Shivraj Singh Chauhan also reached Kubereshwar Dham. Former cm Shivraj Singh Chauhan should reach Kubereshwar Dham at 3.30 pm as per the scheduled tour schedule. Shivraj Singh Chauhan's tour program had to be canceled due to huge crowd during the Katha held last year, but today former cm Shivraj Singh Chauhan reached Kubereshwar Dham.

Moreover bhopal Divisional Commissioner Dr. pawan kumar Sharma took stock of the arrangements made by the administration for the convenience of the devotees who came to listen to the Shiv Mahapuran Katha at Kubereshwar Dham. collector Praveen Singh and SP mayank Awasthi informed in detail about the arrangements made by the administration. During the story, collector Praveen Singh gave detailed information about crowd management and availability of essential services. Divisional Commissioner Dr. Sharma took stock of the Katha Pandal, food stall, temple complex, temporary hospital, health camp, help center, drinking water and other arrangements including transportation made in the Kubereshwar Dham complex.

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