Naib Singh saini took oath as the cm of Haryana. Before taking oath, Naib Singh saini touched the feet of manohar lal khattar and took blessings. Interestingly, four JJP MLAs Devendra Babli, Ishwar Singh, Jogiram and ram Niwas also participated in the swearing-in programme. At the same time, Anil Vij did not become a part of this program. He has clearly told the party high command that he cannot work with his junior.
Naib Singh saini was elected the leader of the legislature party on tuesday (March 12). Later he met the governor and staked claim to form the government. bjp surprised everyone with its decision in haryana on Tuesday. All the ministers including manohar lal khattar resigned. In this way, BJP's alliance with JJP in the state broke before the lok sabha elections.
How did the change happen?
Actually, the talk of change in haryana had started a week ago. According to sources, a meeting of the central leadership of bjp was held. The political situation of haryana was discussed in that meeting. A report was presented in that meeting in which it was told that the Jat community of haryana is not with Manohar Lal Khattar. It was said through the report that if manohar lal khattar continues in office then it is possible that Jat voters may unite and go in favor of Congress. In such a situation, the party may have to bear the brunt. After this report, strategy started to be made and finally manohar lal khattar resigned.
According to sources, late on monday evening arjun munda and tarun Chugh were told that they have to go to Chandigarh. There is a meeting of the legislative party there. When he reached the legislative party meeting, he was told that a new chief minister would be elected.