Prime minister Narendra Modi unveiled an infrastructure bonanza worth nearly Rs 8.3 lakh crore this month during his ‘Bharat Darshan’, which was just shy of the entire Capex budget of Rs 10 lakh crore in the last financial year. PM Modi will now begin his political campaign tours from South india from march 15, which will be an early move. The prime minister unveiled three semi-conductor units worth Rs 1.25 lakh crore on Wednesday, marking the culmination of his 13-day-long tour across the country to unveil infrastructure projects ahead of the announcement of general elections. The total worth of these projects, whose inauguration was done or foundation stones were laid by the PM this month, is worth a whopping Rs 8.25 lakh crore. To put this in context, India’s total Capex budget was Rs 10 lakh crore in 2022-23 and has been fixed at Rs 11 lakh crore for 2023-24.

PM Modi described the recent push as steps towards ‘Viksit Bharat’. These projects are spread all over india, including bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal, J&K, odisha and North-East. The biggest set of projects unveiled by the PM in march was Rs 1.48 lakh crore worth of oil and gas sector projects for across the country from Begusarai in bihar on march 2, Rs 1.25 lakh crore worth of semi-conductor unit projects on march 13, Rs 1.06 lakh crore worth of projects launched in ahmedabad on march 12 and highway projects worth Rs 1 lakh crore launched from gurgaon on march 11.

The PM also repeatedly stressed during these functions that it was under his government that the foundation stone of most such projects was laid, and now their inaugurations had been done by him as well. The government showcased this fact to show how projects had been fast-tracked and completed on time in this term. Reports stated that prime minister is expected to be in kerala on march 15 and 17 in pathanamthitta and palakkad where he will also do a road show. Anil Antony is BJP’s candidate from pathanamthitta and C Krishnakumar is the party candidate from Palakkad. PM Modi is also expected to be in karnataka on march 15, and later in the same state on march 17 and 18. The PM is also expected in tamil Nadu between march 15 and 18 for various political events. The 129 seats in the South indian states remain a strong focus for the bjp in 2024 polls.

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