Reportedly at the same time, it is also being speculated that bjp mp cum former Union minister radhamohan Singh will not get the ticket. While addressing the gathering on wednesday during the inauguration ceremony of Charkha Park, Union minister radha mohan singh burst into tears. After this incident the market of speculations is hot. It is being said that radha mohan singh has realized that his ticket has been canceled.

Perhaps the premises of Charkha Park and the grand statue of mahatma gandhi were inaugurated by east Champaran mp cum former Union minister Radha Mohan Singh. radha mohan singh became emotional during the inaugural speech. During this time, he took out his glasses and started wiping his tears, while the crowd gathered at the meeting started discussing about deducting the ticket. At the same time, in the last election itself, mp radha mohan singh, while filing nomination, had said that this is my last election. This statement was given to the media citing age factor in BJP's rules and regulations.

After this there was discussion that bjp will not give ticket to radha mohan singh in lok sabha due to age factor. Due to this reason, due to ticket not being confirmed, local mp radhamohan Singh has been continuously saying in his speech that whoever gets the ticket, I will contest the election. Be it assembly elections or lok sabha elections, I contest all the elections considering them as my own and have been helping the mla win in such numbers. No matter who contests the elections this time, I will ensure BJP's victory from east Champaran lok sabha seat.

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