The Lok Janshakti party faction led by Union minister Pashupati Kumar Paras on thursday said that it will contest from hajipur Lok Sabha seat and this stand has been conveyed to the Bharatiya Janata Party. This statement of Rashtriya Lok Janshakti party comes a day after the LJP faction led by chirag paswan gave this indication. Meanwhile, Paras-led LJP spokesperson shravan Aggarwal said that the Union minister will contest elections from hajipur as he is the sitting mp there. After a meeting of RLJP leaders, shravan Aggarwal said that we have informed bjp about this stand. He said that RLJP is strongly supporting bjp and it (BJP) should support RLJP's claim.
Our party RLJP is an integral part of nda – prince Raj
At the same time, Chirag Paswan's cousin and mp prince Raj, associated with the Paras camp, said in a post on the social media platform 'X', 'Our party RLJP is an integral part of nda and prime minister Narendra Modi is the leader of the country as well as us. And his decision is paramount for us.
chirag paswan had expressed happiness
Let us tell you that LJP chief chirag paswan had openly talked to the media on wednesday regarding the seats of bihar in NDA. During this he had indicated that his party had achieved a big victory. A deal has been struck with bjp as per the demands of the party. According to media reports, bjp and JDU will contest on 17 and 16 seats respectively while Chirag has been given five seats including hajipur Lok Sabha seat, which is considered to be the stronghold of his late father Ram Vilas Paswan. Presently this seat is with Chirag's uncle and Union minister Pashupati Kumar Paras. There has been a tussle going on between uncle and nephew regarding this seat for a long time.