Reportedly the health of RJD President Lalu prasad Yadav's son and former bihar minister Tej Pratap Yadav suddenly deteriorated on Friday. He was immediately brought to a private hospital in Patna, where he is being treated. It is said that Tej Pratap Yadav complained of chest pain in the afternoon. After this he was taken to a private hospital. He has informed the doctors about low blood pressure. A team of doctors is examining him.

Perhaps it is being told that Tej Pratap Yadav has been admitted to the hospital after complaining of chest pain along with low blood pressure. The team of doctors is busy in investigation and treatment. At the same time, after the news of Tej Pratap Yadav's health deteriorating, a large number of supporters have started reaching the hospital. At the same time, last year also Tej Pratap's health had deteriorated, after which he was admitted to a private hospital in Patna. Even then Tej Pratap was complaining of severe chest pain. people have become tense after hearing about his ill health. people are wishing for his health on social media.

Let us tell you that Tej Pratap Yadav remains in the headlines for his statements. His popularity is quite high in the RJD camp. Tej Pratap Yadav has a lot of interest in youth politics. Tej Pratap Yadav is also very active on social media. Tej Pratap Yadav also has great interest in making reels. At the same time, he is also very popular among his supporters for his devotion.

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