Reportedly on seat sharing in bihar nda, LJP President and Union minister Pashupati Paras said that we will wait until the list is released by BJP. If due respect is not given then the door for our party is open. We are free to go anywhere. Not only this, he placed stake on hajipur seat and said that he will contest elections from this seat. He said many times that politicians are not saints but take decisions according to the circumstances.

Perhaps let us tell you that Pashupati Paras is a part of the nda alliance in Bihar. He said, "We are part of the nda alliance. We have maintained friendship with loyalty. I respect the PM, home minister and JP Nadda. There were reports in the media that our party was not given preference. Our party workers are disappointed by this. " Pashupati Paras has said in gestures that he will not remain a part of nda for long. But he is not announcing his separation from himself, in a way he is putting the responsibility on BJP.

Actually, chirag paswan, nephew of Pashupati Paras and son of late ram Vilas Paswan, is also staking claim on hajipur seat. The real fight between uncle and nephew is believed to be over this seat. Earlier sources had told that bjp has decided to give hajipur seat to Chirag Paswan. Sources even told that this time chirag paswan will contest the lok sabha elections not from Jamui but from hajipur seat. While Chirag is the mp from Jamui, Paras is currently the mp from hajipur seat. According to sources, bjp has offered to send Paras to Rajya Sabha.

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