As per report pakistan defence minister Khawaja Asif said Afghan nationals living in pakistan had managed to join the army. He said that these Afghans have now been dismissed from their posts. Khawaja Asif while speaking said he signed two or three files to expel Afghan citizens who were serving in the army.

He told the news outlet that some of the officers who were serving in the army rose to higher ranks. He said some of them rose to the rank of captain and lieutenant. “This happened about two to three years ago after which they were disposed of,” Khawaja Asif said. Khawaja Asif said there are terrorists living in afghanistan and claimed that 3,000-4,000 terrorists were given shelter in pakistan by imran khan, the former prime minister and founder of pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

“We do not want to set any new rules with afghanistan, but we should break clean with the past 30-40 years as we cannot afford it,” Asif said. He said former army chief general Qamar Javed Bajwa, former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) head retired lieutenant general Faiz Hameed and PTI founder imran khan should be answerable to parliament for the rise of the Tehreek-e-Taliban pakistan (TTP) and the nation’s economic crisis. pakistan will begin a renewed push to deport Afghan migrants from the country next month, officials said Tuesday, as border tensions between the two countries escalate.

Afghanistan’s defence ministry said its border forces retaliated by targeting Pakistani military posts along the border with “heavy weapons”, with cross-border skirmishes reported by both sides. Monday’s strikes came after seven Pakistani troops were killed in an attack by an armed group inside Pakistan’s territory on Saturday, for which President Asif ali Zardari vowed retaliation.

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