As per report Pratibha Dhanorkar, wife of late congress mp Balu Dhanorkar from Chandrapur lok sabha seat in maharashtra and current mla from Warora-Bhadravati assembly constituency, has staked her claim on Chandrapur lok sabha seat. Pratibha Dhanorkar, wife of late congress mp Balu Dhanorkar from Chandrapur lok sabha seat in maharashtra and current mla from Warora-Bhadravati assembly constituency, has issued a message to her supporters on the social media platform 'X'.
Perhaps Pratibha has written that today the times may have changed but the situation has not changed. “Aapli candidature is fixed aahe” My candidature is fixed. Maintain patience in this fight for justice and rights. The special thing is that the candidature on behalf of Pratibha Dhanorkar was presented at a time when the discussion was going on whether Pratibha Dhanorkar should be made the candidate from Chandrapur or Shivani Wadettiwar (daughter of leader of Opposition in the assembly Vijay Wadettiwar) should be made the candidate. bjp has made cabinet minister Sudhir Mungantiwar its candidate from Chandrapur lok sabha seat. Let us tell you that in the last lok sabha elections (2019), congress had won Chandrapur lok sabha seat, the only one out of 48 lok sabha seats in Maharashtra. congress leader Balu Dhanorkar became mp from Chandrapur. He passed away last year.
Moreover Pratibha suresh Dhanorkar is congress mla from Varora-Bhadravati in Maharashtra. He was born on january 9, 1986, in Warora, Chandrapur district. they have two children. He assumed charge in 2019. Her husband's name is suresh Dhanorkar who has passed away. Before his untimely demise, he was the only congress mp from Maharashtra. Let us tell you here, congress has not yet announced candidates for seats in Maharashtra.