One of a Boeing 737's main wheels blew off the aircraft during takeoff, forcing an emergency landing in south africa on Sunday. On camera footage of the event, smoke could be seen emerging from the exposed wheel hub just as the crowded FlySafair plane touched down at Johannesburg's OR Tambo international Airport.

The landing footage revealed that during the mishap, the right wing and undercarriage both partly collapsed. The ground crew alerted the onboard crew to the missing landing wheel as soon as the Cape Town-bound aircraft took off, therefore no one was hurt, according to a FlySafair representative.
According to FlySafair spokeswoman Kirby Gordon, "the crew was alerted to the observation, and the decision was taken to return to johannesburg," the news source EWN Eyewitness news reported locally.

He said that Flight FA212 made a low pass over the airport so that specialists could inspect the landing gear before approving the crew's landing. "Flight FA212 adjusted course back for johannesburg and entered a holding pattern near Parys to burn off some fuel to lighten the aircraft for landing," the official continued.
One of the two wheels connected to the left rear landing strut was the one that was impacted. Before making its final landing approach, the aircraft entered a second holding pattern over Centurion to use up any leftover fuel, according to the spokeswoman.
Interestingly, there have been other incidents with Boeing 737 aeroplanes.

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