Thiruma: If there is to be a fair election, file a case against Modi and investigate it - Thirumavalavan

Engage in hate propaganda against Muslims. Thirumavalavan urged the election commission of india to take legal action against narendra Modi. In a statement issued by the leader of the Liberation Tigers of india Thirumavalavan regarding prime minister Modi's controversial speech in the election campaign, Mr. narendra modi has made toxic comments against Muslims. Then prime minister Mr. Modi maliciously twisted manmohan Singh's comments many years ago to hate Muslims and threaten their security. Mr. Modi's speech violates election norms and is against the Representation of the people Act.

Modi will incite religious sentiment due to fear of failure. election commission will not listen to hate speech- Vlashum Stalin.

Modi's controversial speech

"Congress party is planning to confiscate all the assets of the public like gold and silver and distribute them to Muslims," Modi has told a blatant lie. "What are you saying in your election manifesto? They are saying that they are going to seize all the gold from the public and give it to everyone. During the same congress regime, they said that Muslims have the first right to the country's resources. So who are they going to give the confiscated properties to now? Those who have more children in the country are told to give all their hard-earned wealth to the intruders. Would you accept this?

Speech for political gain

Our mothers and sisters are going to find and count all the gold they have and give it to the Muslims; manmohan singh said that they have the first right to property. This is the mentality of an urban Naxalite. My ladies! Sisters! prime minister Modi has said that the congress party will not even leave your thali. Modi's speech is in direct opposition to the principles of unity and non-religiousness that have been confirmed in our constitution. Their intention is to incite religious violence for political gain.

File a case against Modi

Prime minister Modi's speech is an offense under Section 123 (3a) of the Representation of the people Act. This speech is against the notification issued by the Union government in march last regarding election norms. It is an offense punishable under Sections 153A, 154B, 298, 504, and 505 of the indian Penal Code. election commission Mr. Thirumavalavan urged that a case should be registered against narendra modi and investigated

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