Alert issued after confirmation of bird flu in Ranchi...

The spread of bird flu has been confirmed in ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand. The matter has come to light after testing samples of chickens from the regional poultry farm of the Animal Husbandry Department located in the Hotwar area of the city in the government laboratory located in Bhopal. After this the district administration has issued an alert. The purchase and sale of chickens and related products has been banned in the affected areas. Rapid response team has been formed by the administration. The purchase, sale and transportation of chickens, their related products, and eggs within a radius of one kilometer from the area where the infection has been confirmed has been banned with immediate effect.

Bird flu outbreak confirmed in Ranchi

After confirmation of the spread of bird flu in the capital of Jharkhand, ranchi Deputy Commissioner rahul Kumar Sinha has constituted a rapid response team and veterinary officials and personnel have been deputed in each team. The deputed officials and personnel have been instructed to work in coordination with the district Animal Husbandry Officer and Assistant Director, Poultry, Regional Poultry Farm, Hotwar Ranchi.

Instructions to kill chickens under action plan

It has been told that under the action plan, RRT is to kill the remaining chickens of the regional poultry farm Hotwar, dispose of them scientifically and after that, complete cleaning and disinfection of the infected area is to be done scientifically. Under the action plan, survey work related to poultry farming will be conducted within a radius of one kilometer from the epicenter, so that decisions regarding chickens can be taken at the administrative level. On behalf of the administration, the team has been instructed to make a map of the area within a radius of 10 kilometers from the epicenter and mark it as a surveillance zone and carry out intensive monitoring of avian influenza in this area.

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