Unique effort to improve the declining voting percentage…

A unique event was organized for voter awareness in Indore. In which the map of madhya pradesh was projected on cardboard through flex. The help of about 250 volunteers was taken in making it. More than 200 artists made it after 3 days of hard work. At the same time, a map of approximately two and a half thousand square feet was prepared. This was captured in the picture with the help of a drone. This map was made with the help of human chain and about 500 kg of cardboard tape and flex was used to make it.

Decreasing voting percentage increases concern.  Lok Sabha elections are going on in the country and two phases have been completed. In such a situation, the voting percentage decreased more in the second phase as compared to the first phase. In such a situation, continuous events are being organized to make voters aware. Such events were also organized in Indore. In which a campaign for awareness was run by a private organization. Under this campaign, a unique event was organized in the gandhi Hall premises of Indore.

200 artists made the map in 72 hours.

Under this event, the map of madhya pradesh was first made on cardboard through flex. More than 200 artists played their role in making it. The help of more than 250 volunteers was taken in this. After about 72 hours of continuous hard work, more than 200 artists have created it. Talking about its size, a map of about two and a half thousand square feet was ready, which was captured in pictures through a drone. Not only this, a human chain was formed to make this map, in which about 250 volunteers participated. To make this map, 5 quintals of cardboard were used, apart from that several kilos of tape and a very large flex were used in it. This was made in pieces and later assembled.

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