Modi who speaks on the verge of despair... bjp is sure to fail miserably if he continues to talk - Selvaperundhai

Is 2024 lok sabha election life for indian people? Death? Selvaperundagai has said that the problem is that the future of india depends on the result of the lok sabha elections.

Modi nervously

Tamil Nadu congress Committee President Selvaperunthagai has issued a statement regarding prime minister Modi's parliamentary election campaign speech. In that, after the completion of the first and second phase of the lok sabha elections, prime minister Modi has been speaking baseless defamatory comments during the election campaign despite being very nervous and afraid of failure. While addressing in mumbai yesterday, he said that he will not allow reservation based on religion till I am alive. A person who has been the prime minister for 10 years has ruled without understanding that reservations are not given on the basis of religion as per the Constitution.

Trying to divide religiously

The respective state governments provide reservation to the socially and educationally backward people irrespective of their religion and caste as per the data provided by the backward persons commission constituted by the respective state governments. Does he understand the basics? I don't know if he is planning to divide the people religiously, widen the vote bank and win. After failing to fulfill the promises made in the 2014 lok sabha elections, he won the 2019 lok sabha elections by misusing the Pulwama, Balakot attack as a propaganda campaign to divert the people.

How to provide reservation.?

Now, he is creating a tense situation by making baseless and toxic suggestion that congress is trying to give reservation to Muslims on the basis of religion. Reservations are given to specific castes based on the statistics collected by the backward classes Commission of the respective state about the backward communities in Hinduism. The same procedure has been recommended by the Commission for Backward Castes to provide reservation to backward castes in islam and Christianity. Based on that, reservation is given to the backward communities of Muslim religion in many states including Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, tamil Nadu. This has been confirmed by the supreme Court.

Protest wave in northern states

Prime minister Modi is acting as the Goebbels of india by repeating the lie filtered in Jamukalam that the congress party is plotting to take away the reservation from the backward and give it to the Muslims. Through such speeches of prime minister Modi, who has been holding the post of prime minister for 10 years, he is making an indelible mark in history. The last 10 years of bjp None of the promises made by the government have been fulfilled. prime minister Modi did not talk about it in the campaign. Due to unemployment, price hike, denial of minimum support price to farmers etc. A strong wave of opposition is sweeping over. bjp in northern states A wave of resistance has risen.

Life for the people of India? Death?

PM Modi says that congress will loot the country if it comes to power. It is strange that a person who assisted 20, 25 millionaires in looting 45 percent of the total assets of the country is talking like this. There is no need to talk about prime minister Modi's congress Party, which looted Rs 8,000 crore from industrialists through election bond donations. So, is the 2024 lok sabha election life for the people of India? Death? That is the problem. The future of india depends on the outcome of lok sabha elections. people have realized that it is very necessary to defeat the bjp if the dictatorial, fascist and anti-people regime is to be removed from India.

BJP's defeat is sure

It is because of this that the success of the india alliance is getting brighter and confirmed day by day. No matter what hypocritical drama Modi plays, he cannot fool people in 2024 like he did in 2014 and 2019. His speeches are the main cause of fear among the people of what will happen to india if the government is again led by Modi. Standing on the brink of despair, PM Modi continues to speak such anti-constitutional hate speech that disturbs religious harmony and BJP. Selvaperunthakai has criticized that it is certain to fail miserably.

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