The Beginning of the Yadava Era on ap Political Screen..!?
- Differently from the past, more seats from the ycp and tdp alliance
- The upper caste traditional seats are for the Yadavs this time..!
- tdp Yadav Vs YCP Yadav in eluru Parliament
AP politics means caste politics. All politics in ap revolve around caste. Along with the Kamma, Kapu, and reddy polities, we also see velama and kshatriya polities in some areas. But no matter what happened in the past, the 2024 ap political era has started a new era of Yadav politics. Yadav social class votes are estimated to be around 7% in AP. But like some castes, they are strong in all regions rather than in one region.
Although there are many castes in BC, the Yadava caste has gained recognition as a strong social class in BC. Politically 7% means surely if they are on the same word then there is no doubt that they will be the deciding factor in the formation of the government in the state. If tdp gave recognition to Yadavs from the past, now cm Jagan is also giving extreme importance to this caste. That is why both parties have allocated many key positions to this social class.
This time, two Yadava youngsters from both parties are contesting in the eluru parliament, which is a traditional seat for the upper castes. While the ycp gave Narasaravpet and eluru parliamentary seats, the TDP alliance gave eluru parliamentary seats. In this election, sudhakar Yadav, the founder of Telugu politics, and prominent industrialist Gorumuchu Gopal Yadav were introduced to the Yadav youths. Putta has a strong political background. And Gorumuchtu grew up independently. Before him, there was a campaign that tdp would give eluru parliament ticket. After getting a seat there, within a week of his joining the ycp, he became the state general secretary of the party.
YSP allotted 2 parliament and 4 assembly seats to the Yadav caste, a total of 6 seats. The alliance allotted one mp and 8 assembly seats, a total of 9 seats. However, there is no doubt that if the Yadavs take advantage of the opportunities given to them in these elections and win a majority of seats, they will play a key role in ap politics in the coming decades.
The details of the candidates who are contesting in various constituencies from the Yadav community are as follows.
Yadava Social Category – ycp Candidates
Parliamentary Candidates:
1) Narasa Raopet : Anilkumar Yadav who died
2) Eluru: Karumuri sunil Kumar Yadav
Assembly Candidates:
3) Tanuku: Karumuri Nageswara Rao
4) Mylavaram: Sarnala Tirupathirao Yadav
5) Kanigiri: Daddala narayana rao Yadav
6) Kandukur: Burra Madhusudan Yadav
Yadava Social Class - Alliance Candidates
Parliamentary Candidates:
1) Eluru: Putta Mahesh Kumar Yadav
Assembly Candidates:
2) Gajuwaka: Palla Srinivasa Rao
3) Visakhapatnam: P. Vamsikrishna Srinivas
4) Tuni: Goddess of movement
5) Nujiveedu: Kolusu Parthasarathi
6) Sarees: MM. Kondaiah Yadav
7) Dharmavaram: Satyakumar Yadav
8) Maidukuru: Putta sudhakar Yadav