AP Elections: tdp is concerned about the candidate janasena MP's seal of approval.

Andhrapradesh: The ap polling session is about to start in a few minutes. Voters are arriving at the polling place one by one even though the officials have finished setting up everything at the polling places. There are certain worries, nevertheless, prior to the polls starting. The tdp ranks in Pratipadu Constituency sparked unrest in numerous villages.

There are not many minutes remaining for the ap (AP elections 2024) polls. Voters are arriving at the polling place one by one even though the officials have finished setting up everything at the polling places. There are certain worries, nevertheless, prior to the polls starting. The tdp ranks in Pratipadu Constituency sparked unrest in numerous villages. Without revealing the janasena mp Candidate of Kakinada's face, the collector sealed the ballot paper. As a consequence, the voters were unable to view the mp candidate's face. 

The telugu country's brothers vehemently disagree with the government's conduct. In roughly 14 villages, the visage of not one, not two Jana Sena mp candidates were imprinted. In this context, the tdp leaders lodged a complaint with the RVO. In response to TDP's grievance, it appears that the RVO has implemented corrective actions. The tdp leaders are requesting that measures be taken to guarantee that the mp candidate's face is seen on the ballot paper prior to the start of voting.

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