People Living In PoK Comparing Themselves!!!

External affairs minister S jaishankar on tuesday said that the analysis of the situation in Pakistan-occupied kashmir is complex but residents there must compare themselves to those living in the Union Territories of kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>jammu and kashmir, referring to the steps taken by the government to develop the kashmir region. “There is a ferment happening in PoK, you can see it on social media or television. The analysis of it is very complex but definitely, I have no doubt in my own mind that someone living in PoK is comparing their situation with someone actually living in kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>jammu and kashmir, saying that how is it that people today are actually progressing there,” jaishankar said.

The external affairs minister made the remarks in kolkata at an event organised to release the Bangla edition of his book Why Bharat Matters. “They know that sense of being under occupation, of being discriminated, of being treated badly, clearly that any such comparison would be preying on their minds,” jaishankar further added. A civil unrest has been going on in Pakistan-occupied kashmir as residents there alleged discrimination and mistreatment at the hands of Pakistani law enforcement and the government.

The civil unrest was triggered when pakistan police tried to clamp down on a protests under the banner of the Jammu kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC) which was seeking the provision of electricity as per hydropower generation cost in the region, subsidised wheat flour and an end to the privileges of the elite class. Clashes broke out between the resident and the police personnel when the latter tried to stop a rally for Muzaffarabad via Kotli and Poonch districts.

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