Forest department files complaint against four…?

A video of the possibility of catching and smuggling of aquatic animals in agra has gone viral on social media in which four youths are trying to get an aquatic turtle out of the river by entangling it in a hook. In the viral video, it is feared that youths smuggle turtles by catching them from the river, after which a case has been registered by the Forest Department against four youths. Some youths were seen catching turtles on the banks of Chambal river in Pinahat police station area of Agra. Whose video is seen continuously going viral on social media. The viral video is said to be three days old.

 It is being claimed in the viral video that youths catch and smuggle aquatic animals turtles from Chambal river. After the video of turtle catching went viral on social media, the Forest Department team started investigation to identify the youth seen in the viral video. The forest department came into immediate action and registered a named case against a young man, while a police complaint was lodged against three unidentified persons, after which the police have registered a case under the sections of the Wildlife Act and have now started action.

 Police started investigation on the complaint of Forest Department

In the video that went viral on social media while catching an aquatic creature turtle from the Chambal river, it is clearly visible that the youth are first trapping the turtle with a hook and then trying to pull it out of the river with the help of wood. In the viral video, it is suspected that the four youths are smuggling tortoises, after which, on the complaint of the Forest Department, the police have registered a case under the Wildlife Act. A case has been registered under Section 26 of the indian Forest Act, Section 9, 27, 29 of the Wildlife Protection Act. Pinahat police station has registered the case and has now started investigating the matter.

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