No such scenes this time in ap Assembly..!?

-Public problems should be discussed.
-The mistakes made by the government should be pointed out and corrected.
-Constructive discussions should be held.

Assembly sessions have started in AP. Members were sworn in. The actual meetings are about to begin. After the separation of ap and telangana from the common AP. As the fight between the tdp and ycp parties is intensifying, the assembly itself is becoming a platform for verbal wars and challenges. assembly means to discuss public issues. people should participate in making necessary laws. There should be a thorough discussion about the pros and cons of the laws being made for the people. Public problems should be discussed. Solutions should be suggested and they should be implemented. The mistakes made by the government should be pointed out and corrected. But whenever we see an ap assembly, there is no constructive discussion except criticism, challenges, and war of words.
Telangana can be said to be better in this regard. Although there are political challenges, most of the discussions are meaningful. If the ruling and opposition members are speaking, the house will be smooth. But.. such scenes are rarely seen in ap Assembly. Many laws are passed without even the slightest discussion. After that, there will be a ruckus again during the enforcement of the same laws. However.. this time only 11 ycp members were elected. However, opposition members should also be given a chance to make their voices heard. Only then will democracy be felt. Apart from the fact that the opposition can only do with 11 people, we should provide an opportunity for quality discussions even if the members are fewer. The government should be put on the right footing. This is what the india Herald wants on behalf of the people.

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