The source of YCP's defeat is known... The facts are coming out...!

- Jagan's manifesto is an utter flop

- The city voter who pushed jagan away with the burden of taxes

- Rs. Did 4 thousand Finchan sink, Jagan..!

(Amravati - Herald of India)

The source of the defeat of the last ycp government is known. people are just voicing their opinions. Online media channels.. people are expressing their feelings in the news covered by the major media. people in rural areas are revealing who they voted for. Now, when they come to the cities.. in another form, people are saying without telling who they voted for. What is the source of YCP's defeat? The answer to the million-dollar question.

In a recent interview conducted by some media channels in rural areas, people said that they voted for the bicycle symbol. In fact, after the election, no one said anything. They are obsessed with the current situation. However, since the government has been fully formed in the state..people are sharing their thoughts. It is noteworthy that the majority of people cast their vote for Chandrababu. He also told me the reason for this.

Chandrababu said that he would pay their pensions to Rs.4000. At the same time, jagan commented that even if he gave Rs.3000, he did not believe that he would increase it again. Even that.. they have increased by Rs. 250.. It is not enough for the increasing expenses. He said that is why he was leaning towards Chandrababu. At the same time, he also said that he has faith in Chandrababu.

And when it comes to city dwellers, the burden of increased taxes and electricity charges is high. It is noteworthy that the middle-class people say that they voted for Chandrababu with faith in him and that if they come, they will increase the charges. At the same time, they revealed that they know that some schemes will fail.. even more than that.. the bills that they pay are more and that is why they sided with Babu. Overall.. these two factors in the elections, the increase in pensions and the reduction in prices seem to have affected the average voter.

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