Jagan needs to focus on these things..!?

* Will jagan create the impression that ycp is a party that stands for the people?
*Will jagan succeed in pointing out the alliance's mistakes?
* Will it benefit ycp if the decision on loan waiver is changed?

If former chief minister YS jagan wants ycp to regain its former glory in the state, it needs to work harder compared to the past. The alliance leaders said that there is no idea of giving opposition status to YCP. jagan also needs to create the impression that ycp is not an opposition party but a party that stands for the people. It would be better if jagan gave priority to those who really worked hard for the party. ycp has a 40 percent vote bank in the state. Analysts still say that if there was no alliance, ycp would have won 60 to 70 seats. Opposition is not new to Jagan. However, the number of seats has decreased drastically. But the party is responsible for keeping every promise given by the coalition. people look towards ycp even if the alliance does not keep its promises or develop.
By 2029 elections, there will be no opposition to YCP. However, it is enough to say that there are strong leaders in the party, and if people have the impression that if jagan is given another chance as cm, he will take advantage of that opportunity. It is better if jagan is as close as possible to the people and activists. At the same time, jagan has to announce the implementation of risk guarantees like loan waivers even in the future.
There is no need to be surprised if ycp gets power after another five years if jagan makes people believe that he will provide governance as per their wishes. jagan has to take smart steps by reducing the opposition against him and making the party rise in constituencies like Kanchukot. It can be said that if the ycp leaders make wise decisions by bringing to light the mistakes being made by the alliance, the party will get its former glory.

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