Three strategies in front of Jagan.. If these are implemented, he will be ap cm in 2029..?

- The party should be strengthened from the field level

- Vision must be there

- Plans are essential for the development of AP

(Rayalaseema - Herald of India)

The ycp, which lost power in the recently held elections in ap, will have to wait for five years to regain control and form the government. The ycp chief should wait for the next elections in 2029. But.. even then.. the party.. he will have to reform strategically. He should know where to decrease.. where to increase. Foresight is very important in this regard. More importantly, we have to move forward with strategies. Observers say that jagan should implement three main strategies in this order. They say that if these are followed, there will be a chance for him to recover to some extent.

1) Strengthening the party: Looking at Jagan's current situation.. the party is in trouble. The politics revolving around the Adhi Neta should now be dealt with by land. That is.. strengthening the leaders at the field level.. giving value to their decisions.. first efforts should be made to strengthen the party by reassuring the workers. At the same time, people should come to question the coalition government on anti-democratic decisions. Movements should be built. Beyond the palace.. steps towards the huts.

2) Removal of bad impressions: Now, it is undeniable that jagan personally suffered a lot. Even if the opposition says it.. or if he himself says it.. Jagan's personal matters have come up for discussion among the people. As a psycho, as a button chief minister, as a dictator. Moreover.. there is a discussion that he will not interact with the media. In this context, it is better to remove the bad impressions and create a vision for yourself.

3) State Development Plans: Navratnas implemented with the view that only money will get votes have failed. As prashant kishore said, giving money..implementation of welfare schemes is only one side of the coin. Another angle. Development. In this matter, he could not say what he did.. or.. he could not do as the opposition told him.. Anyway, jagan failed. Now if this situation is rectified... it will pave the way for Gaddenek.

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