The assembly has passed a resolution to exempt tamil Nadu from the NEET exam.

In addition to exempting tamil Nadu from the NEET examination, the tamil Nadu chief minister brought a separate resolution in the Legislative assembly insisting that the central government should bring an amendment to the Medical Commission Act so as to abandon the NEET examination.

Addressing this resolution in the assembly, the chief minister said that tamil Nadu is the pioneer of the country in the field of medicine and in many health indices, and the main reason for these achievements is the excellent medical education system followed in tamil Nadu for many years. It was karunanidhi who laid the foundation for these achievements by canceling the entrance examination for all professional courses based on the recommendation led by Dr. Ananthakrishnan.

He said that the central government made the NEET exam mandatory in 2017, and stated that medical studies are a difficult option for poor students, and rural poor students have not been able to pass the exam, and since the introduction of the NEET entrance exam, they have been opposing it politically and legally.

Similarly, he mentioned that various protests were held against the NEET examination, a huge signature movement was conducted called "NEET Exclusion is our goal" and there is an unshakable opinion of the people of Tamilnadu, political parties and social thinkers on the issue of NEET examination. He pointed out that on 13.9.2021, tamil Nadu Medical degree Admission Act 2021 was unanimously passed in the Legislative assembly based on the recommendation of the committee, but was sent back for reconsideration without the approval of the Governor.

After that, on 5.02.2022, an all-party meeting was held and the resolution to introduce it again in the Legislative assembly was passed unanimously on 8/2/2022, and the central government was delaying the time without giving approval, despite having been sent to the central government by the Governor. The chief minister said that the confidence of the students in the competitive examinations has been undermined, the students got full credit in the NEET examination, mercy marks were given on the grounds that the examination started late, due to protests, the mercy marks were canceled and the re-examination was conducted, the information about the early release of the examination question paper in the examination centers shocked the students and their families who were preparing for the competitive examination. He said that the cbi has been ordered to investigate the allegations made regarding the examination methods.

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