Imagine a scene where Chief Secretary subramanyam walks into Jagan's office, ready for a serious discussion about the state's development plans. jagan, known for his brisk meetings, looks up with a determined expression as subramanyam tries to present his ideas.

Subramanyam: "Sir, relocating the vizag steel plant might not be feasible. It's a major industrial hub."

Jagan: *interrupting* "Ah, but think about it! We move the plant just a bit, and voila! capital city space!"

Subramanyam: *stunned* "But sir, the logistics..."

Jagan: "Two minutes, Subramanyam! We must conclude."

Subramanyam, bewildered, tries to explain the complexities of urban planning, but jagan is already onto the next topic—Amaravati.

Subramanyam: "Sir, amaravati is strategically..."

Jagan: *with a knowing smile* "Chandrababu's land, right? Can't make it the capital then."

Subramanyam: *checks notes* "Actually, sir, no extensive land holdings."

Jagan: *casually* "Oh well, let's move on."

Subramanyam, struggling to keep up with the rapid-fire decisions and off-the-cuff remarks, learns to navigate the meetings like a dance on a razor's edge. Each interaction with jagan feels like a whirlwind, where ideas are tossed around like confetti, and decisions are made at lightning speed.

In the end, subramanyam leaves the office, half-relieved and half-amazed, wondering if he just witnessed governance or a speed-talking contest. Working with jagan, it seems, is a blend of surprise, amusement, and perhaps a touch of confusion for good measure.

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