Will those young leaders have the guts to withstand TDP..!?

* Babu preferred only young and new people.
* New faces in the cabinet.
* Three non-priority positions to Janasena.

In the state of Andhra Pradesh, chandrababu naidu is moving forward with a new strategy. After becoming the Chief minister, chandrababu naidu is taking new decisions and attracting everyone's attention. After Chandrababu became the chief minister, the senior leaders in tdp are being sidelined. They are giving opportunities to young leaders. Even Chandrababu gave tickets only to young leaders. Instead of giving mla tickets to seniors like Yanamala, Chandrababu gave them to young stars. Senior tdp leaders like Gorantla Butchaiah, Ayyannapatradu, and Ganta srinivas were not given a chance even in the cabinet posts. Even Paritala Sunita was not given a chance in Mahila Kota. But Chandrababu proved his brand of governance by giving ministerial posts to dynamic leaders like Gottipati Ravi, payyavula keshav, Ramprasad Reddy, and Anita.
 Giving the post of home minister to a woman leader like Anita created a sensation. Besides Acham Naidu is one of the seniors. He has a good grasp of agriculture. That's why Acham Naidu was entrusted with the agriculture department along with other important departments. payyavula keshav is supported in calculations. So he got the finance department.

 Ayyannapatrudu, who always makes controversial comments, gave a big shock to ycp by giving the post of speaker. ayyannapatrudu is a leader who can reverse attacks more than Tammineni. With this, the ycp leaders did not even raise a word in the assembly. By giving three non-priority positions to Janasena, who are allies, Babu opened a new topic. Moreover, the bjp was given only one ministerial post and made to sit on the bench. Babu is spinning the wheel in the center too.

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