Anita's post is not for that key leader.. Home department?

Months have passed since the new government was elected in Andhra Pradesh. Meanwhile, some mistakes are being made during the tenure of the government. Especially after the government came to power, there were rape incidents, assassination attempts and murders on the road itself. The home minister is not taking the right stand with all this going on. Besides, she forgets that she is the home minister and talks like a commoner. Going by her words, it seems that law and order in the state is likely to deteriorate further. At the same time, criticism is being heard from her own tdp party that the post of home minister is not set for her. With this, some news is gaining momentum that Anita will be fired from the home Ministry. Let's see what the details are. All the workers of her constituency along with her own tdp workers are already complaining about the work done by her. The reason for the lack of law and order in the state is that Anita is not properly settled.  

It seems that when she came before the media, she said that she liked it without even knowing how to speak. After the recent horrific incident in Vinukonda, the home Minister came to the media and said that such incidents are not happening in the state. If such acts of treason are committed, any person, whether they belong to his own party, should be instilled with the fear of severe punishment. But Anita did not talk like that and told about this incident that when Nara Chandrababu was in the opposition, he was also troubled in this way, tdp workers also faced many problems and I also faced many problems then. As the home minister spoke in this way, she said to the activists indirectly that the leaders were told that now you have trouble in the state, so show your Tadakha. These words could not have come from the mouth of a home Minister.

What will happen to the state if we talk like this? The home minister should stand together with the leaders of this party and the opposition leaders, not disturb the law and order, fearing that the law must punish if they make mistakes, but if they support and provoke their own party leaders in this way, the situation will get out of hand. It seems that many have said the same thing in front of Chandrababu. By the end of this month, they are thinking that she should be removed from the post of home minister and sent to another department to keep Kala Venkatarao, who is a senior leader in that department. It is not known how much is true or false in this, but there are reports that criticism is being sought against the home minister within his own party.

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