Secular code will end discrimination due to different laws...

Prime minister Narendra Modi while addressing the nation from the ramparts of red Fort on the occasion of Independence Day said that now secular civil code should be implemented in the country and not communal code. He said that this is the demand of the time and supreme court has also spoken about it many times, so keeping in mind the demand of the time, the government is thinking about it. PM Modi has always talked about taking everyone along.

PM Modi talks about uniting everyone. It is always said that he does everything for Hindus only, but it is not so. When Modi became the prime minister of the country for the first time and people asked, he clearly said that he considers the Constitution as his religion. PM Modi has said that if the country is one, then there should be only one law. The law should also be secular.

PM has talked about Uniform Secular Code in the same perspective. This will make the country even stronger, and we will be able to stand together. If we remain divided into pieces, then foreign powers will try to weaken us even more. PM was talking about this and it is being welcomed with discussion across the country.

The country does not need different laws

UCC is also a secular code. At present, the followers of different religions in the country have different laws. In such a situation, the people of the country also felt that their law gives more importance to them, the law of others gives less importance to them. Such feelings started coming in the minds of the people. PM Modi has talked about abolishing different laws and making a secular law. There should not be any difficulty in this.

The country is a secular country. There are many religions in India. people follow their religion in their homes, but when they are on the road, there are people of many religions there. While giving love to each other, we keep our religion aside. This is the beauty of India. PM has strengthened this point by saying that now it will be known as Secular Code so that no one gets the feeling that it is for someone else.

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