Secular code will unite the country!!!

When the PM says something from the ramparts of the red Fort, it has great importance. people of different religions and sects of the country welcomed it with great enthusiasm. This step will unite everyone. Just as we say all the countrymen are 140 crore, in which there is no caste system and community. In the same way, after the implementation of the secular code, there will be one law for all the countrymen.

People did not doubt any decision of PM Modi. This can only trouble those people who have enjoyed the power by dividing the country. They have already had a tradition of dividing the country. Apart from them, no one in the country has any problem with this. Such people also work to provoke others, but the people of the country have come to know that PM Modi works to make the country a developed nation.

Modi increased the country's prestige

Today PM Modi has increased India's prestige abroad. Today when people from india go to many countries of the world and say that they have come from india, they are respected, which was not the case earlier. There has been a lot of change in India's foreign policy, and with this change India is moving forward at a fast pace.

Now even the people of the opposition should accept that PM Modi has taken india towards development at a fast pace. The opposition should forget everything and cooperate in the work of the government. If the opposition cooperates, then india will move forward at a faster pace and the policy here will also get a lot of strength.

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