Foreign exchange reserves record 675 billion dollars...

India's Defense minister Rajnath Singh went on a four-day visit to America, where high-level talks were held between the two countries on many topics including defense cooperation and global issues. Both the countries said that if india and America want, they can together ensure global peace and prosperity. Defense minister Rajnath Singh said that the government led by prime minister Narendra Modi of india wants to build a strong, safe and prosperous india, and is constantly working for this.

India and America are natural allies, who are strong partners by destiny and this cooperation is constantly moving forward. India - America have also been military partners since before. Many times the armies of both the countries have also conducted war exercises. For the last several years, both the countries have also been working together to stop China's activities in the indian Ocean.

India will be the third economy of the world by 2027

According to the Defense minister, under the dynamic leadership of prime minister Narendra Modi, India's stature has increased on the global stage. Earlier, no special attention was paid to India's words on international forums, but today the whole world listens to india very carefully, and in many places, it has also started being implemented. Before 2014, investment in india was said to be one of the 'fragile five' countries, and today india has also become one of the 'brilliant five' economies of the world.

Rajnath Singh said that india will become the third largest economy by the year 2027. The government of the country ensured that in any case, after the Kovid-19 epidemic, there is no adverse effect on the indian economy compared to other countries, for this a lot of effort and work was done. The government of india has been successful in bringing 25 crore people above the poverty line. According to recent data, retail inflation has come down to a five-year low of 3.54 percent. With this, the foreign exchange reserves have reached an all-time high of $675 billion.

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