India-US relations are very strong!!!

India and the US appreciated the progress made in implementing the Quad initiative, Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness, and the efforts being made by india to enhance maritime domain awareness for partners in the indian Ocean region. Current indian participation in the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) was welcomed and it was said that in the year 2025, india will also deploy indian Navy personnel at the Joint Task Force 150 headquarters of the CMF.

Defense minister Rajnath Singh and Secretary Austin also appreciated the efforts of the India-US Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (Indus-X) to establish innovation relationships in defense between the two countries, as well as Indus-X for establishing strong networks across start-ups, industry, academia and governments, accelerating the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and enhancing the war-fighting capabilities of both sides.

GE 414 aero-engine to be manufactured in India

Defence minister Rajnath Singh interacted with senior leadership of US defence companies at an industry roundtable organised by the US india Strategic Partnership Forum in washington dc and outlined various co-development and co-production opportunities emerging in the defence sector in India.

The progressive reforms of the indian government have also encouraged many foreign origin equipment manufacturers, including the US, to set up manufacturing units in india, develop joint ventures and make india their alternative export base. The planned co-production of GE 414 aero-engine in india will prove to be an important achievement in India-US bilateral relations. Along with this, the relationship between the two countries will also get a boost.

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