Chief minister Sai flagged off the nutrition chariot

During Pora festival, chief minister Vishnudev Sai flagged off the Suposhan Rath. From september 1 to 30, the women and Child Development Department is organizing the Nutrition Month to make the state malnutrition free. The Suposhan Rath will spread the message of prevention of malnutrition to the people through films. Let us tell you that there is a large number of malnourished children and women in many districts. The purpose of the Suposhan Rath is to spread awareness about the problem of malnutrition.

The chief minister said that the Suposhan Month has started in Chhattisgarh. audio and video messages related to nutrition and health will be disseminated in various districts through the Suposhan Rath. He appealed to various people of the community to participate in the journey of Suposhan.

The chief minister said that during the Nutrition Month this year, focus is being laid on anemia growth monitoring, supplementary nutrition diet, nutrition as well as education, use of technology for quality service delivery and proper nutrition. The aim is to tackle the serious challenge of malnutrition and to provide nutrition to pregnant women along with children.

The chief minister said that the government is completely serious about realizing the concept of a healthy and well-nourished Chhattisgarh. He informed that health and nutrition related services are being provided to pregnant women, lactating women and children from 0 to 6 years of age and adolescent girls at more than 52 thousand Anganwadi centres. Positive behaviour change is also necessary at the community, family and individual level to achieve the goal of nutrition. Officers and employees of the Child Development Department in all the districts will go from village to village with the nutrition chariot and spread awareness. Villagers will be told ways to avoid malnutrition. The message of nutrition diet and prevention of malnutrition will also be given to the families of malnourished children and pregnant women at Anganwadi centres.

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