It’s like a scene from a political roast where the punches fly faster than the facts. trump, standing at the podium, confidently declares that he would end the Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours—no sweat! His voice brimming with bravado, he paints a picture of global diplomacy, with him shaking hands and solving world peace like it's a real estate deal.

Kamala harris, sitting in the wings, can't resist a quick jab. She leans into the microphone, raises an eyebrow, and fires back with her trademark smirk, “Putin would eat you.”

The crowd erupts in laughter, and harris continues, with that mix of sharpness and charm, “And by the way, you’re not running against Biden.”

It's the political equivalent of a mic drop—Trump’s face momentarily flustered, but the show goes on. He shrugs it off with a wave, his confidence undented, as though he's already brokering deals in his head.

All in all, it’s a heavyweight bout—no knockouts, just plenty of jabs and a lot of theatrical flair. trump and harris, on stage for their first ever presidential debate, exchanging what’s probably the most reluctant handshake in history. It's been eight long years since anyone's dared to do it, and yet, there they are—hands clasped like two superheroes, only their superpowers are insults.

The debate starts, and it’s off to the races. First up, is the economy. harris, cool as ever, leans into her middle-class roots and paints a picture of family dinners, small businesses, and the American Dream. “I’ve got your back,” she tells the voters. Then, turning to trump, she drops a line with surgical precision, “Meanwhile, Donald’s got a plan…for billionaires. You know, his favorite group.” Zing!

Trump, of course, isn’t phased. He’s got that signature squint on, ready to fire back at any second. But harris isn’t done. She drops another punch: “He left the economy in a state only Joe Biden could fix.”

Trump puffs out his chest, likely thinking about all the "deals" he’s cut and all the "tremendous" jobs he’s created, ready to rebut. But before he can get a word out, harris drops the line of the night: “Donald trump has no plan for you.”

It’s a quick jab, and you can almost hear the collective “Oooooh” from the audience. trump opens his mouth, ready for a comeback, but you can tell even he didn’t see that one coming.

It’s a political soap opera at its finest, and this is just round one!

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