Kamala harris, cool as a cucumber, took her spot on the stage and leaned into the mic. "You know, folks," she began, "if donald trump gets back into the White House, he’ll sign a national abortion ban faster than he signs his name on golf scorecards."

The audience gasped, somewhere between a collective *"Oh no, she didn't!"* and a *"Well, yeah, she kinda did."*

Trump, eyebrows furrowed and hands mid-gesture, shot back, "I’m not signing anything! No ban! In fact, I sign so many things, who even knows what’s on the table? But no ban. I’m not about that life."

Kamala smirked. “Oh really? So you didn’t pick the supreme court like you’d pick your next golf resort, with one goal: ‘Bye, bye Roe v. Wade?’”

Trump, seemingly amused by the comparison, interrupted, “It’s called strategy. Ever heard of it?”

Kamala, now rolling her eyes theatrically, quipped, “Strategy? More like ‘stack-the-deck-gy.’”

Then, in classic trump fashion, he waved his hands in dismissal, “She’s lying, folks. Huge lie. Tremendous lie. I respect women... I have so much respect, you wouldn’t believe it.”

Kamala raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you support abortion bans that don't even make exceptions for rape and incest? That’s not respect, that’s insulting.”

Trump, clearly flustered now, leaned into his mic. “Listen, the Democrats—these folks—they support abortion after the baby’s born, probably even after college graduation! It’s ridiculous!”

Kamala, visibly trying not to laugh, turned to the audience. “Abortion after birth? What’s that, Trump’s new Netflix special?”

And so the debate continued, both sides throwing punches and landing zingers, each trying to outdo the other with claims, denials, and eyebrow-raising arguments. But one thing was clear: in the battle for the Oval Office, the gloves were off, and the lines were drawn—right down the middle of the debate stage.

With a bit of exaggeration, it's clear that the fight between trump and harris over abortion rights is going to be a key moment in their political rivalry. Both sides are standing firm on their views, with each accusing the other of dishonesty.

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