Saudi's Neom project again in controversy...

The construction of Saudi Arabia's dream city Neom has been surrounded by controversies. The officials of the world's largest construction project have started abusing the workers of the indian subcontinent. This has been revealed in a report of the Wall Street Journal newspaper. Neom's top official Wayne Borg made racial remarks on the workers of the indian subcontinent and even called them fools.

In fact, three workers died during the construction work of Neom city. According to the report, after the death of the workers, the company had called an emergency meeting of the officials. Due to this, Wayne Borg had to cancel his program on sunday evening. Due to this, Borg got angry.

Crown prince Mohammed bin salman had announced Saudi Arabia's mega city project Neom in 2017. In fact, Saudi Arabia wants to make 'Neom' a global tourism destination by settling it. However, now this project has come under controversy.

Borg is from Australia

Wayne Borg is from Australia. He has also been associated with Hollywood. Now he has been given the responsibility of running the media division of Neom. When a meeting was called after the death of three workers, he got angry. During this, he also made racial remarks. According to the report, Borg said, the workers from the indian subcontinent working in Neom are stupid and that is why white people have to be given top positions. Borg continued racial attacks even during the meeting called for the workers.

Three workers died

In fact, three workers engaged in the construction work of Neom died recently. One of them died due to falling of a pipe while one died due to falling oa wall. One worker died due to wrong use of explosives.

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