Training for Bin Laden's killers 'Seal Team-6'..!?

We don't know how the peace relations between the countries of the world are but internally they are raising heights against each other. Many countries are slowly showing the intention to be the best in the world. In the current competition, we see some countries trying to crush smaller countries. We can observe similar situations between china and Taiwan. In this background, America is secretly arranging to save taiwan from China. America is giving special training to its highest team of Navy SEALs to counter China's invasion.
This is the group that infiltrated and killed Al-Qaeda leader Bin Lada in pakistan in 2011. The united states has started training this team specially to prevent the increasing aggression of china on Taiwan. Financial Times magazine stated this in an article. America has many strong forces but when a sensitive army operation has to be done, this team gets the first preference. For this special task, the members of this team have been training in virginia Beach for a year. If you look at the intensity of the training they are taking, you can't help but feel that the US is planning ahead and that a big clash with china is inevitable this time.
Navy SEALs are considered to be a team similar to Delta Force, which comes to mind when you mention the name of the American forces. This team reports only to the Joint Special Operations Command. This team is chosen for top-secret operations. In 2009, the team also undertook a daring operation to secure a container ship that had been hijacked and captured. The Financial Times said in its article that special teams from the Pentagon have often gone to taiwan in recent times. Special training is also being provided to the country's army there. Not only that, CIA director Bill Barnes recently stated that 20 percent of their annual budget is going to be used to fight China. However, China's diplomatic representative in Washington, Liu Penague, is unhappy with these developments.

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