Telangana debt effect: Will it affect the good schemes..?

* Emergence of a separate telangana state in 2014.

* kcr started many schemes.

* Some of them are now leading to good schemes.

After many years of struggles and movements, a separate state of telangana was formed in 2014. In the assembly elections held for the first time after the formation of a separate state of telangana, the trs party won a large number of assembly seats under the chairmanship of KCR. With that, Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhara Rao became the first chief minister of telangana State. During his rule, he brought many schemes before the people. Some of these schemes have attracted people to an amazing extent. Some schemes have also failed. For example, about the amazingly successful schemes in the state of Telangana. For every poor girl who gets married, under the Kalyana lakshmi scheme, one lakh rupees is given to the girl's family members, 10000 per acre per year to the farmer, if the farmer dies under the age of 60 due to any accident, five lakhs to his family. The kcr government's provision of farmers' insurance and support pensions was well received by the people.
And in the year 2018 also, when kcr won once again, he made all these schemes legendary again. Otherwise, the trs government lost power in the assembly elections held in the year 2023. congress government came to power. Many people are saying that telangana state is already heavily in debt. The congress government has announced that while implementing the good schemes introduced by the BRS party, it will also add some more schemes to them.
But while many are saying that the state is already heavily indebted, adding more to the existing schemes, some are expressing their opinion that it is possible to continue all of them for many years. Many people are of the opinion that it is better to continue the schemes that work even if it is necessary to remove some useless schemes without removing the good schemes even in debt.

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