Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala harris could indeed impact young voters, as Swift has a strong influence among that demographic. Celebrity endorsements often generate media buzz and can boost a candidate's visibility and appeal. However, the actual impact on election Day depends on various factors, including voter turnout and whether those who are inspired by the endorsement follow through with their votes. Historically, while celebrity endorsements can sway public opinion, they don't always translate into a direct shift in election results. 

Barack obama and Oprah Winfrey (2008): Oprah's endorsement was highly influential in Obama's 2008 campaign, especially among African American voters and women. Her support helped him gain media attention and credibility, contributing to his historic win.

Donald trump and kanye west (2018): Kanye West's vocal support for trump generated significant media attention, but it did not significantly alter the election dynamics or voter preferences in a meaningful way. His endorsement was more polarizing than unifying.

Hillary Clinton and Beyoncé (2016): Beyoncé's endorsement and her performances at rallies were intended to energize young and minority voters. While it helped raise enthusiasm and support among her fan base, it was not decisive in Clinton's overall election results.

Taylor Swift and Kamala harris (2024): If Taylor Swift’s endorsement leads to increased voter registration and turnout among young people, it could help harris, particularly in swing states where young voters are a significant demographic. The effectiveness will depend on how well the campaign leverages this support and translates it into actual votes.

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